News from the Supply Chain

Hankinson – Bringing back community spirit

Social Value & Customer Care are core focuses for the Hankinson Group and they always look to engage with residents where they can and look to give back to the local communities they are working in. When they win a contract one of their first thoughts is to look to give back, they always look to provide local work experience, apprenticeships, community initiatives or volunteer operatives to local causes- which they express as high importance.
This article focuses on their engagement with residents from Orbit Housing, they are currently working on an Avenue in Alcester and the community there were having issues with the parking as there were no numbers on the parking bays. They had wanted a solution to this for a while so The Hankinson Group painted numbers on the bays and also arranged a coffee and cake morning for the residents to bring some joy in the difficult times the country is going through.

Read More: 

AKW – New cost-effective bidet system

AKW are the UK market leaders in showers, daily living and kitchen solutions for people with reduced mobility, with choice, competitive pricing, and first-class customer service making them the first choice for local authorities, housing associations and contractors.

They are passionate about enabling people to stay in their own homes and retain their independence, with each of their products rigorously tested, inclusively designed, and manufactured specifically for end users with a variety of different needs.

Privacy and dignity are basic yet often unattainable requirements for some when toileting; the AKW Bidet, with adjustable and care specific features ideal for social care adaptions, offers a cost-effective, quick to install, and easy to use and maintain bidet for those wanting a non-permanent solution.

For more information please contact Joe Scurr

AICO Virtual Conferences

Smarter Homes, Safer Communities powered by Aico, is a two-part virtual conference covering the current challenges the housing sector is facing, the advancements in technology and the future of IoT in housing.

Smarter Homes, Safer Communities Part 1
Thursday 26th November 2020, 9:30 to 17:30

Part one of the Smarter Homes, Safer Communities conference will focus on the current challenges the
housing sector is facing and how technology has changed.

There will be five sessions over the course of the day with networking opportunities after each session.

Sessions will include keynote speakers - George Clarke, Iain Wightwick, Sir Tim Berners-Lee and more.

For more details and to register for FREE visit 


Published in: CHIC CHAT
