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Click here to download the SOCIAL_HOUSING_CROSSWORD_PUZZLE.pdf

The future of social housing was prudently addressed, following a riveting conversation held by Theresa Mays former chief of staff Nick Timothy at one of our own board awaydays, back in January.

Many believe that social housing is nearing the bottom of the agenda when it comes to the implications of Brexit and is being heavily overlooked.

Arguable, the main issue that the social housing sector is going to face is the logistical changes to supply chains. With materials like timber being heavily imported from the EU, many merchants have already begun contingency planning to maintain their sustainability, and have adopted the approach of stockpiling materials; however, it’s a very temporary solution

The overcomplicating of importing materials is set to have some implications on the affordability of social homes, whether this is going to be for the good or bad of renters in the UK.

But the question is, does anyone know what they are doing? Planning for the unknown is an impossible feat in all walks of life, let alone when looking to mitigate the effects of Brexit on an entire industry.

The potential knock-on effects are endless with the immediate ones possibly the most damaging. Will we begin seeing more or less jobs in the construction industry? Half of construction workers in London come from the EU and many have already gone back to avoid being ‘stuck’.

The effects that deal or no deal Brexit could be endless from temporary purchasing alternative materials to a complete logistical change, steering away from current just in time solutions.

Going from a blanket agreement to, well, who knows what, is going to be a huge change regardless of the specifics and the social housing market is inevitably going to learn to adapt no matter what comes its way; Deal or No Deal is just the beginning of something bigger.

With every future deal coming from UK Parliament, surely our government will do what is best for UK citizens? It is no secret that the UK has been in a housing crisis for some time now with the publication of reports like the Shelter’s “vision for social housing”.

Although the UK is going Brexit crazy, there’s no need to panic. CHIC has been actively collaborating with its members / suppliers to gather intel on what is the best course of action to mitigate the amount of disruption to the supply chain. 95% of Manufacturers and Distributors have already plans in place to mitigate for a No deal vote with the large majority being determined as low risk. (Testimonial from a supplier)

CHIC has engaged with it’s supply chain to ensure that members have contingencies in place for every aspect of property maintenance requirements.

CHIC’s Merchant Services Manager (maybe change it to Supply chain manager) is of the opinion that: “The worst thing that we in the social housing industry can do right now, is to put our heads in the sand and hope that this storm will pass us by. The first thing that will be affected will be supply chains, as we see in other sectors such as the automotive industry. Arguably if housing associations engage with purchasing groups, in respect of their suppliers, trends will be noticeable which means that steps can be taken to mitigate negative effects.”

As rightly pointed out purchasing groups such as CHIC, are better positioned to notice trends in the market that individual housing associations cannot see, and this is purely down to the number of suppliers each engages. Having a pool of suppliers providing the same type of service, normally via a framework, will allow members that purchase through that group a better understanding of where the market is going.

In these trialling times, co-operation is key, and instead of we can do it better, we need to do it better together.

The question is then, what has your association done to ensure that services will not drop.

Quote from Bournville to come: - need to chase giles again today.

If you are worried about the Brexit impact on your organisation, please give us a call.

Updates from CHIC


It is with great sadness we must report that CHIC’s Independent Chair, Maggie Punyer, has recently passed away. After enduring various medical challenges in recent months, Maggie died peacefully in hospital last weekend; her husband, Martyn, was with her.

Maggie was a well known, larger-than-life character in the social housing sector. She was a lifelong member of the CIH, having worked for the Chartered Institute of Housing in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, before a long career as Public Sector Development Director for Ocean Media Group where, amongst many other achievements, she led the promotion and management of numerous high profile housing conferences.

Maggie ‘retired’ in 2012 but, true to form, continued sharing her knowledge and expertise within our sector. She served on Boards for Homeless Link, Harrogate International Conference Centre, Accent Housing Group and Connexus Housing.

Maggie joined CHIC as our first Independent Chair in 2017 and had worked tirelessly ever since, supporting the growth of the consortium, providing wisdom and stewardship for the board, inspiring the team and supporting our engagement with all of our supply chain partners. She was passionate about delivering great services to tenants and recognised and promoted the importance of strong community values. Maggie was a strong supporter of CHIC’s Social Value Strategy and the establishment, in 2022, of CHIP.

Maggie was due to stand down as chair of CHIC at the next quarterly board meeting in June but had intended to remain as an independent director until next year. We will all miss her enthusiasm, energy, commitment and unstinting support as we adjust to a CHIC without Maggie, but she will be remembered with respect, fondness and gratitude for all she achieved.

John Fisher, Chief Executive.


CHIC Sponsored Walk

The CHIC Team is excited to announce their upcoming participation in the annual sponsored walk to raise money for our charity, CHIP. On Saturday 18th May 2024, we have challenged the CHIC team to put on their walking gear, whatever the weather, and either walk 5 miles, 10 miles or 15 miles starting in Warwickshire. The funds raised will be used to support local communities and to make a positive impact for those in need.

During the walk, we will be accompanied by our lovable mascot, Chick, who will motivate us to maximize our steps and keep us motivated throughout the journey.
Every step counts in shaping a better and brighter future. Sponsorship of any amount is welcomed. Be sure to keep an eye on CHIC’s LinkedIn and Twitter to follow along the journey.

CLICK HERE to sponsor the CHIC Team

More About CHIP:
CHIP is supported by CHIC to ensure that social value dividends are delivered as a direct result of CHIC’s asset management and procurement activities.

CHIP seeks to bring positive, sustainable changes to peoples lives by supporting local employment groups to deliver direct support and training for people distant from the workplace, helping them get into sustainable jobs. CHIP also supports projects in communities that are local to CHIC’s members via a Community Chest Fund and direct social value delivery through a range of community initiatives.

CLICK HERE to donate directly to CHIP and find out more.



Upcoming Events


Procurement Updates

CHIC Procurement Activity

CHIC remains committed to meeting the evolving needs of our members and adapting to market demands by consistently introducing and updating frameworks. This proactive approach ensures that we provide tailored solutions and stay aligned to industry trends, ultimately enhancing the value we offer to our stakeholders.

After a successful launch of the CHIC Healthy Homes Framework in April, our Legal Services Framework is currently going through the final stages of the procurement process with anticipated awards shortly.

Several other framework procurements are planned within the next 12-18 months, including Kitchen and Bathrooms (part of Planned Works (Phase 1), Fire Doors, Temporary Fire Alarms and Active Fire) and Materials Framework. If you would like further details about when these frameworks are to be published, please contact CHIC’s Head of Partnerships Mike Harris (


Procurement Act 2023: Ensuring Compliance and Knowledge

As mentioned in April’s CHIC CHAT, over the next five months, CHIC will be covering 5 key topics which will affect both contracting authorities (CHIC & Members) and suppliers in the order listed:
May - Transparency
June - Performance
July - Frameworks
August - Direct Awards/Mini-Competitions
September - Notices
October - Launch of Act



Transparency requirements for the Procurement Act 2023 are fundamental, broad reaching and embedded into every part of the procurement life cycle. It aims to ensure that the flexibility being afforded in the new regime is delivered in an open and accountable way. From the identification of needs, through to analysis, tendering, supplier selection, contract management and termination.

This article is a brief summary of transparency requirements under the new regime, including what they mean for both CHIC Members and suppliers. It also touches upon details of the Central Digital Platform, where all tendering information will be visible to both suppliers and Contracting Authorities.

The Act introduces some new notices throughout the procurement and contract management stages. It also includes the requirement to publish relevant data to provide commercial intelligence for the design and delivery of procurement competition.

Click here to see a table which consists of the noticing requirements, scope and what each means for suppliers.


Relevant notices required for commonly used routes to market

1. Framework Contracts
Frameworks that are public contracts require appropriate use of the notices UK1-UK12 & UK17. However, reporting on KPIs for the Frameworks using UK8,9& 17 notices is not required, but necessary for contracts called off from the Framework.

You do not need to publish tender notices for call off contracts under the framework as this is already covered when establishing the agreement.

2. Dynamic Markets
Notices UK13-UK16 are mandatory when establishing a dynamic market, because an established Dynamic Market is NOT a public contract. All standard notices will apply to contracts called off via the market, including the publication of Tender notices (UK4).

3. Regulated Below Threshold Procurement
Covered under Sections 84-88 of the Procurement Act. These are contracts that are below the thresholds of contracts for goods & services ((i.e., below £213,477) and works i.e. £5,336,937)) and not an exempt, concession or utility contract.

Tender notice must be published on the central digital platform and a contract detail notice must be published on the conclusion of an award.

A central place for all public sector tendering opportunities – The Central Digital Platform.

The purpose of the new platform is to provide a central location for registering basic supplier details for tenders and a single place for all public sector opportunities. This is to reduce time to tender, remove duplication, reduce administrative cost of tendering for suppliers and improve accessibility of commercial data. It is anticipated that the platform will be of great benefit to SMEs, making it easier for those who may not have resources required for public tendering activities.

All aforementioned notices will be published through the platform.

CHIC eSourcing (an example eSender) can punch out information to this platform, similar to how we currently publish tender notices through eSourcing to FTS and Contract Finder. The Central Digital Platform is essentially an enhanced Find the Tender (FTS) platform and New Supplier Information System.

Note that all notices must be published on the Central Digital platform (FTS) before publishing anywhere else. Just like now you must check visibility on FTS & have a confirmation email of publication going live before publishing anywhere else. In addition, commercial tools and registers will be available on the Central Digital platform for use during the commercial lifecycle of a project. The Introduction of these features will enable the analysis of commercial data based on notices published on the Central Digital platform Contract Finder will no longer be used for any notice publication but will be available during the transition period.
Whilst transparency is at the centre of the Procurement Act 2023, any data shared must not contravene the Data Protection legislation and Contracting Authorities must be mindful of the requirements under this Act whenever information is published or otherwise shared.

Visit the Transforming Public Procurement page to read the Benefits for Prospective Suppliers to the Public Sector - GOV.UK (, and the Government transparency ambitions at Transforming Public Procurement - our transparency ambition - GOV.UK (

If you have any questions about the Procurement Act, please get in touch with Sam Domican at


Six Months in Procurement

My second placement at CHIC was with the Procurement team, the main hub of the business. I kicked off with a deep dive into evaluating suppliers for our Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) routes to market. It was an intensive and continuous process, where I scrutinised suppliers on their financial health and quality, to ensure our DPS routes to market stood firm and dependable. 
Managing suppliers on our CHIC internal database marked another important aspect of my role. This database sets the foundation for effectively maintaining relationships. Prompt and efficient responses to supplier enquiries became second nature as I recognised that transparent communication is essential in effective procurement operations.
I also played a crucial role in the initial stages of mini competitions, collaborating closely with my procurement colleagues. This presented both challenges and accomplishments as it can be highly technical. It involved laying the groundwork and maintaining transparency throughout the tendering process. As my responsibilities expanded, I actively supported the establishment of our new internal CHIC frameworks, including the recently launched Newbuild and Healthy Homes Framework.
Outside of the usual day to day work, participating in CHIC’s Framework Launches provided me with invaluable networking opportunities and insights into industry trends. It served as a platform for me to represent our organisation and engage with the members and suppliers we work with.
Following on from this, a significant chunk of my experience also involved collaborating with CHIC colleagues to examine its internal procurement processes from inception to completion. This was about identifying and eliminating bottlenecks, smoothing out procedures and helping with CHIC’s overall procurement efficiency.
In my role, I managed our workflow by striking a balance between paying close attention to details and keeping an eye on the bigger picture. This involved using a mix of familiar and new software tools to track our progress. I also developed advanced skills to handle data and documents more efficiently.
Working in procurement has been a great experience, both personally and professionally. It has been really enjoyable working and collaborating with colleagues, both in procurement and the wider team, where I have learnt more about myself and in the process, also met some amazing people!
Reflecting on this half year period in procurement and my initial 6 months working with the Member Services team, I can see a great personal and professional development. Each task has refined my abilities and broadened my knowledge of the procurement area and its importance to the wider business. It has been a very busy but rewarding path of learning, and as I move into Strategic Services, I anticipate this continuing on my journey with CHIC.


Supply Chain Updates


The Westdale Midlands Ltd Skills Training Academy

Meeting our collective fuel poverty reduction and net zero obligations is a challenge we all recognise and few housing providers with older stock profiles would argue that fabric-first measures make the greatest impact in meeting both of these challenges.

However, most don’t know that whilst skills shortages are common parlance, for many key trades, no suitable training courses exist!
One of CHIC’s key contractors, Westdale Midlands Ltd, is addressing this problem in their typically pragmatic fashion by setting up their own Training Academy, and the results are beginning to be noticed in higher circles.

Using their multi-year Wave 2 SHDS contract with Citizen Housing as a catalyst, Westdale converted their Coventry-based office and warehouse into a bespoke facility for training unemployed people from the communities where their works take place.

Partnering with Coventry College to select candidates with a desire to join the industry, Westdale’s timeserved trainers impart the skills and knowledge focused on real-world necessities.
On purpose-built training walls and in classroom sessions, four cohorts of trainees have now learned and practiced the essential skills and have graduated through the Academy, where they have learned: 

-  A wide range of practical External Wall Insulation techniques and capabilities.
-  A background in construction and legislation that underpins their practical skills.
-  The importance of customer care, a ‘right first time’ and quality service delivery approach.
-  The essential health and safety knowledge, including gaining accreditations necessary for work on site. 

Not only do trainees access unrivalled training, they also benefit from: 

-  A steady wage during their training period
-  On-site placement with existing Westdale teams, where their learning is truly reinforced
-  The promise of a full-time role in the business for those who reach the required standards. 

Westdale has now completed the 12 week course 4 times.
The number of students completing the 4 courses is 23, including 5 on the current course. They have had a few students join them by word of mouth rather than through the bootcamp.

They currently expect that the full cohort going through the course will be offered full time employment if they maintain current standards being achieved. They will have offered and provided full time employment to 20 students so far.

Westdale anticipate this number growing to circa 40- 50 full time jobs by the end of Wave 2 installing EWI. Unsurprisingly, this pro-active approach to resolving the current skills shortage, whilst at the same time delivering very real legacy benefits within the communities of Coventry, has garnered interest from Regional and Government bodies.

Visits to the Training Academy have been commonplace, each a reminder of the unique approach to problem solving that is Westdale’s trademark.

If you have aspirations to deliver a grant or directly funded project and think that there could be a role for a similar Academy in your region, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Tel: 01952 677 926 
E mail:


CHIP Social Value

As we head towards the end of our financial year, it will be time for CHIP to start reviewing the social value that has been generated through contracts, sponsorships, volunteering and our Community Chest Fund. As CHIP moves closer to the end of its second year in operation, we are excited to see the impact of support that has been created amongst the individuals and communities we work with.
Social value, although massively important, can be forgotten as we maneuver through busy workdays, where the impact on the communities and individuals we are supporting can go unnoticed until we start to review our Social Return on Investment.
It is so important to remember the positive impact that organisations can have and the opportunities this can generate:
• Monetary donations to charities and local community groups.
• Being external role models to students where education establishments may not be having an impact.
• Donation of food and other items to support those who are deprived.
• Creating training and qualification opportunities.
• Creating job and employment opportunities for those distant from the workplace.
• Creating better homes and living environments for those in need.
• Providing mental health support to a wide range of individuals.
When we take time to review what we are doing individually, and as a whole through the companies we work for, it is important to remember that our efforts go far beyond the workplace. The ongoing impact this can have on people living in communities in and around us is quite far reaching.
So, as we work toward recognising the incredible efforts made this year, watch this space to see exactly what we have all generated and achieved and how much impact we have made on the communities in which we all work!
If you would like to discuss social value in more detail, please get in touch with Emma Macaulay, Social Value Manager at