Compliance Audit Framework

There's only a few weeks to go until we expect to publish awards to CHIC’s new Compliance Audit Framework so it should be accessible for our members during November. This framework provides access to organisations that will deliver comprehensive audit services for the independent assurance of its members ongoing operations.
CHIC’s ambition is to provide an environment where members can access a range of internal Policy Compliance and Site Portfolio Audits along with Site Contractor Assurance Audits. The audit process is an integral part of ensuring that all building safety services and works are completed in accordance with a defined scope/specification. These must meet the member’s own requirements whilst also complying with all legislative and regulatory standards.
Independent audits will assess the key legal requirements and site conditions to ensure that company working procedures are being implemented correctly and in line with current regulations and operational best practice.
Suppliers will work alongside any members compliance team to provide technical support, quality assurance, financial tracking and control, compliance reporting (where required) and IT and administration support for any systems provided.
Our national framework is split into the following workstreams:
Lot 1 – Asbestos Management Auditing
Lot 2 – Commercial Gas Auditing
Lot 3 – Domestic Gas Auditing
Lot 4 – Electrical Safety Auditing
Lot 5 – Fire Safety Auditing
Lot 6 – Lifting Equipment Auditing
Lot 7 – Mechanical and Electrical Auditing
Lot 8 – Water Hygiene Auditing
If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with a representative from our Member Services Team:
Stephen Sharman
Head of Member Services (Midlands & South East)
Victoria Speakman
Head of Member Services (South West & Wales)
Joanne Heyes
Head of Member Services (North)

Trainee of the Year Awards

Do you know a trainee who should be recognised for their outstanding achievements?

CHIC will be hosting a prize giving ceremony for our Trainee of the Year Award at our annual CHIC Conference & Exhibition on Wednesday 17th November 2021 at Sixways Stadium, Worcester.

Presented by BBC Home Editor Mark Easton, the main objective of the award is to recognise the achievements of an exceptional trainee who has ideally worked on a CHIC Contract or is part of a CHIC Member organisation.


Nominations are now open!


Candidates will be shortlisted and final judging will be endorsed by the CHIC Board. Winners and runners up will receive a trophy and a cash prize to recognise their achievement.


Please click here to submit your nominations.


Deadline for submissions is Monday 25th October 2021.


If you have any questions or need any information, please contact Curtis Coulson at



More about the conference


Meet. Learn. Share

A must attend event for housing professionals

Our annual CHIC Conference & Exhibition is right around the corner and we have an exciting programme of topical workshops, delivered by a range of informed speakers.

Some of the topics include Building and People Safety, Decarbonisation, Technology and Strategic Asset Management.

The conference is free to attend and we would encourage as many of our members, staff, board members and residents to attend, along with our supply chain partners.

You can find our full programme on our website at



Social Value Strategy

CHIC is committed to creating added social value outcomes from its work for its members with contractors and suppliers.

CHIC reviewed its current Social Value Strategy as part of the overarching Business Strategy review for 2021-2026. With a core focus on creating apprenticeship and employment opportunities, CHIC’s social value will be delivered through the following initiatives:


Contractual Apprenticeships

All CHIC procured contracts where the annual value is >£1m will be expected to deliver apprenticeships and training. CHIC will monitor and support all contracts where this requirement applies, to ensure outcomes are achieved.


Employment Sponsorship

CHIC will work with and financially support Local Employment Groups (LEGs’) in the main regions of CHIC’s active members, to secure permanent employment for people who are distant from the workplace or disadvantaged.


Community Chest

CHIC will provide small grants for local projects being promoted in the communities our members support. Projects may involve training and skills development for disadvantaged people, community support initiatives or capital projects, where top up grants will help make a difference to peoples lives and wellbeing.


Annual Awards

The promotion of annual awards for apprentices and trainees, to recognise high achievers within our members, contractors and suppliers’ businesses.



The Agent ARK Consultancy will be required to appoint and support a graduate apprentice, to work as part of the dedicated CHIC team.

If you have any questions about how CHIC delivers social value, or to find out how you can contribute, please contact Fred Bentley at


News from the Sector

Recently appointed communities secretary Michael Gove has renamed the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to implement the new ‘levelling-up’ agenda, a movement to deliver a programme of tangible improvements and unity in every part of the UK as we build back better from the pandemic.

The Department for Levelling Up, will help deliver on the mission to “level up every part of the UK.”

A recent speech by Michael Gove at the Conservative Conference 2021 finally shed some light on the agenda and presented four key objectives of Levelling Up

  • Strengthen local leadership to drive real change
  • Raise living standards especially where they are lower
  • Improve public services especially where they are weaker
  • Give people the resources necessary to enhance the pride they feel in the place they live.

Michael Gove showed his drive towards making the new framework a success, stating some harsh truths about the current situation for some social homes, being “scandalously poor” partly due to “the supply of social housing overall not having kept pace with the demand and also the quality of social housing”.

Read more


MMC Myths Busted

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) – Myth Buster


Much has been written about Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). Opinions differ and there are misconceptions about MMC, what it is and how it works. We are often asked questions and find ourselves busting myths in conversations with our members. Here are the top five myths we have found:


MMC is more expensive than traditional build

Not necessarily.  Though volume is key to cost efficiency when manufacturing and the whole development cost has to be considered. MMC is quicker and quality is higher.


MMC is for volume only build only

Although there are cost savings to be made on larger MMC schemes, there can be competitive costings on smaller schemes.  A lot of our members are looking at existing garage sites which can be small but by developing a number of them together, and treating them as one large development, they are achieving affordable MMC solutions.  We have several MMC providers in our portfolio of suppliers who will look at groups of smaller sites.


MMC looks like a prefabricated building

MMC can look identical to a traditionally constructed house type. But MMC also gives the opportunity to use different finishes – we shouldn’t be scared of these. Homes are built in a different way – factory build as opposed to site construction.  By doing this it does achieve a better-quality build, reducing construction time, maintenance and snagging.


MMC is difficult to fund and mortgage lenders don’t approve

MMC providers offer a range of warranty options, all lender approved, enabling funding to be as straight forward as traditional build and compliant with the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) terms.


MMC takes longer in the initial development process than a traditional scheme.

The pre-construction development process should take the same amount of time as a traditional build. However, MMC providers need to be involved at earlier stages of the development process, pre-planning, to ensure that the design is MMC compliant and prevents odd details that could add unnecessary cost.


Do you have burning questions or would like to know more about MMC and how you could use this method of construction in your organisation. Talk to Sarah Davey, CHIC’s Head of Development at

Free, Confidential Legal Advice

Would you like to discuss and of the following with a legal advisor of your choosing for free?
  • Corporate, Governance & Finance
  • Housing & Asset Management
  • Property & Development

At CHIC’s Conference & Exhibition 2021, three firms on CHIC’s legal service framework have offered to provide our members with expert, confidential legal advice.

A representative from each of Devonshires, Forbes Solicitors and Capsticks will be available on Wednesday 17th November in a private room to answer your burning questions. There are only nine slots total, so be sure to book yours as soon as possible!




If you would like to find out more, please get in touch at 


Business Strategy

As CHIC reaches its end of its current business plan period, the Board has constructed the consortiums strategy for the next five years. Having changed name to Communities and Housing Investment Consortium to reflect our wider membership, both geographically and across a variety of sector, we wanted to ensure that we have a business strategy that will fully serve the needs of our members.


Some of the highlights


This strategy initiates a new era in CHIC’s growth and has been developed to reflect the following changes in the recent past:

  • CHIC’s independence and new name
  • The evolution of our governance model, now with an independent chair and some independent board members
  • The new 5-year agency services arrangements with ARK Consultancy
  • The range of Services having grown from 5 to 8. With a wider selection of underlying products
  • Changes in business development focus, encompassing all stakeholders
  • New markets CHIC now supports – both geographically and in different sectors
  • The launch of CHIC’s Online Management System – COMS
  • The launch of CHIC’s Dynamic Purchasing System


CHIC’s values and cultural aspirations largely remain the same:


1. A member owned and governed consortium.

2. Easy access for members to secure services.

3. A proactive partner, supporting both members and the supply chain.

4. Flexibility – we will tailor services to individual needs.

5. Service and fee transparency for members.

6. Strong systems and effective processes.

7. Securing savings, efficiencies and creating added value.

8. Innovative and creative.

9. A market leader in multiple sectors.

10. Customer and supplier satisfaction and support are core to our success.


We hope that this new business strategy ensures we are able to create greater savings and efficiencies for our members and increased business opportunities for our supply chain partners.

News from the Supply Chain



What to consider when choosing easy to install and use water-efficient taps and showers.


Lasting integrity 

Making sure you choose products that stand the test of time can help reduce the carbon footprint by reducing the amount of waste, over time. The longer it lasts, the cleaner the planet.
Bristan is committed to making brilliantly simple solutions - every tap and shower is tested in our UKAS accredited in-house testing facility at each stage of development. This testing coupled with the enhanced components means we are now able to offer 10-year guarantees across a selection of our taps.

Balancing quality and price 

Cost-effective taps and showers are important, but so is customer satisfaction. If the quality isn’t there, there could be unhappy tenants demanding repairs and replacements, which could result in an increase in business costs in the long run.

Water-efficient basin mixer taps

With the Government’s plans to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, specifying water-efficient solutions is a brilliant way to reduce environmental impact in builds. Plus, with more people working from home than ever before, leading to a higher-than-normal energy usage, water-efficient products can also significantly reduce household bills for tenants.
Bristan innovative basin mixer taps feature built-in flow regulators, reducing the water flow to as little as 3.5 litres per minute, increasing water efficiency. 


Low maintenance products 

We know how important it is that products are designed for easy maintenance — not only to improve their lifespan and value for money, but to reduce repair times within homes in a post-Covid world.
Specifying low-maintenance solutions is better for the environment in the long run as high maintenance products often get replaced, resulting in high carbon emissions and added impact in landfills. 
Bristan electric showers are the perfect example of easy maintenance as they include anti-limescale feature that reduces build up, as well as rub-clean handsets and external filters so they’re always simple to clean. 


For more information, please contact: 



T: 0330 026 6273 



Enterprise Workplace Partners

Creating a new corporate workplace reality with CHIC


Enterprise Workplace Partners (EWP) is pleased to be appointed to the CHIC Lot 6 (Asset Management) Consultancy Framework Agreement 2021.


Defining Return to Office (RTO) strategy in a post-pandemic world, re-shaping and optimising the use of core office + operational assets, reducing carbon footprint and addressing the challenges of underlying workforce / cultural change will be matters high on the business agenda of CHIC Members.


The scope available within Lot 6 enables CHIC Members to utilise the expertise of independent consultants to provide the necessary support to consider, define and implement compelling solutions to address these and other asset related challenges.



EWP offer a range of critical services and capabilities to assist clients in establishing a new workplace vision with supporting policies / protocols, new hybrid & agile working models, effective: integrated: sustainable and beneficial business change programmes.


To raise awareness of the potential benefits Workplace Services can bring to CHIC Members EWP are offering a number of “free”1 introductory Workplace HealthCheck sessions designed to highlight the maturity of your Workplace, potential improvement and business benefit opportunities.


EWP have implemented a wide range of successful corporate workplace transformation and change programmes for clients across the public, private and voluntary sectors. CLICK HERE for a copy of their company overview is attached for your reference and retention.


1 To take up this introductory offer please contact CHIC initially and EWP will contact you to arrange a date and time for the initial virtual meeting.